Fellowcraft Degree

Fellowcraft Degree22may07:0009:0007:00 - 09:00(GMT-05:00) Holland Lodge No.1 A.F.&A.M., 4911 Montrose Blvd. Houston, TX 77006

Event Details

Open to: 2° and 3°

The Mason’s, “Passing,” from an Entered Apprentice to a Fellowcraft.

For the Medieval stonemasons, this degree marked a craftsman’s progression from an apprentice to a journeyman. In Freemasonry, the second degree represents the symbolic growth from youth to manhood as a Brother accepts more responsibility within the fraternity and commits to studying its teachings. As he grows in knowledge, he becomes a “fellow of the craft.”

Many Freemasons consider the second degree among the most moving ceremonies in the craft. At this stage, a Brother is expected to use the wisdom he’s gained through life’s many experiences to face any challenge that may come. During this degree, he delves deeper into the philosophies and symbolism of the craft.

The Fellow Craft degree teaches a man about the value of an informed mind, therefore preparing the candidate to take his place in the world as a good citizen, friend, and family man. This ceremony deepens the candidate’s connection to himself and, above all, teaches the Fellowcraft to be just with all mankind.

Fellowcraft or Master Masons in good standing with the Grand Lodge of Texas or with their respective Grand Lodges may attend.

5:30pm: Dinner
6:30pm: Ceremony

Attire: Business Professional



May 22, 2024 07:00 - 09:00(GMT-05:00)


Holland Lodge No.1 A.F.&A.M.

4911 Montrose Blvd. Houston, TX 77006

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